Kinetic Membranes

Team: Martynas Šeškas, Martin Petrov, Chao-Yuan Liang, Joanna Maria Lesna, Tony Ao Tan , Sofia Stylianout
Workshop leaders: str.ucture – Julian Lienhard, Riccardo La Magna, Philipp Längst; KADK – Martin Tamke, Paul Nicholas, Daniel Lee
Type: Workshop
Year: 2018

The architectural tradition of kinetic structures is largely a tradition of mechanical actuation. With new simulation tools, new opportunities arise to work with calibrated relations between geometry, loading and actuation. In this workshop, we investigated the use of physical and digital models as sites of design exploration and feedback. We used simulation as a design driver for hybrid flex / tension structures that are actuated through the inclusion of different dynamic loads, and developed 1:1 scale installations showcasing structural and architectural properties achieved.

Working in groups, we were asked to design a kinetic structure made of bending-active tensile hybrids, that change shape and performance over time. The design site was the KADK gallery which had conditions of controlled and natural light. We were asked to use simulation and physical modelling as means to engage with material performance in multiple interrelated scales, with light as an objective. The actuation could take place in an immediate way using strings, simple pneumatic or electro-mechanic systems. The best design was going to be presented to the IASS 2019 competition.

Kinetic Membranes

Team: Martynas Šeškas, Martin Petrov, Chao-Yuan Liang, Joanna Maria Lesna, Tony Ao Tan , Sofia Stylianout
Workshop leaders: str.ucture – Julian Lienhard, Riccardo La Magna, Philipp Längst; KADK – Martin Tamke, Paul Nicholas, Daniel Lee
Type: Workshop
Year: 2018

The architectural tradition of kinetic structures is largely a tradition of mechanical actuation. With new simulation tools, new opportunities arise to work with calibrated relations between geometry, loading and actuation. In this workshop, we investigated the use of physical and digital models as sites of design exploration and feedback. We used simulation as a design driver for hybrid flex / tension structures that are actuated through the inclusion of different dynamic loads, and developed 1:1 scale installations showcasing structural and architectural properties achieved.

Working in groups, we were asked to design a kinetic structure made of bending-active tensile hybrids, that change shape and performance over time. The design site was the KADK gallery which had conditions of controlled and natural light. We were asked to use simulation and physical modelling as means to engage with material performance in multiple interrelated scales, with light as an objective. The actuation could take place in an immediate way using strings, simple pneumatic or electro-mechanic systems. The best design was going to be presented to the IASS 2019 competition.